Astronomical Centre Rijeka

Schedule for July 2024

Schedule for July 2024

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Schedule - July 2024


Tuesday Wednesday




Live presentation:

The first space explorers (6+)


Race to Earth (7+)


Planets in sight (6+)


Back to the Moon - For good (8+)

Live presentation:

Guide to the night sky - spring/summer (11+)



Beyond the Sun (8+)


Starry nights (package program in english):

Film: From Earth to the Universe +

Film: The search for darkness/laser Night sky star gazing (11+)

Live presentation:

From the Earth to the Universe (10+)


Live presentation:

To the Moon and beyond (10+) 



Film (in english):
Incredible Universe


22,00 Observatory (6+) Observatory (6+)     Observatory (6+)

 Extraordinary program

  • from the 1. of June 2024.: Starry nights (package program in english);
  • from the 12. to the 16. of July extraordinary program on the occasion of the 55. anniversary of the Misiion Apollo 11;
  • 12 July -  Astronaut Party (on the occasion of the 55. anniversary of the Misiion Apollo 11): 19,00h – opening of the Ree Dashi  photo exhibition "Astrolight"; 19.30h - Back to the Moon - For good (8+) (planetarium); 20,30h - To the Moon and beyond (10+) (planetarium); 21,00h – Moon pebbles or Hollywood stardust? (lecture); 22,00 - 24,00h summer sky observation. 

Program for organized groups

Organized groups (schools, kindergartens, tourists, etc.) - on appointment (films, live presentation, observatory).


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